Sunday, 23 December 2012

Story so far......

After a number of years looking for a new house we've to decide to pull down our old house and build new.

After two false starts with other builders (this cost us a bit of cash being two lots of pre-start fees but we learned a lot), we have finally signed a contract and are starting out new build with Breezeway House.

THe old house was cut in half and taken away to NSW and put back together on a property so it still lives on. The rest of the block was cleared by a recycling company so all up none of it went to landfill.

Plans are already in with council with a start on site scheduled for Jan/Feb.

The process (in pics) so far.....

The original house.
Step one of the house removal was to strip trees from front.
Then cut the house in half (longways to fit on trailer).

Slide steel beams under the house so..... can be slid over onto the trailer.

1st night move - half the house is going.
2nd half in position on trailer ready to be hooked up

The midnight hook up.

Drive up the street missing power lines and trees.

Bye bye house!

House is gone, but garage and "concrete pier garden" still to be removed.

Vacant block - ready to start in the new year!

Breezeway House design.


1 comment:

  1. Love your design. I look forward to following your build :-)
